Fidyah Calculation

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Fidyah Calculation

Pergas Holdings: Calculating fidyah payment. How your fidyah payment is used. Settling fidyah payments.



Guide to qadha’ fasting

Missing fasts during the month of Ramadhan is not uncommon as there are various reasons for not doing so whether intentional or unintentional. There are criterias a person should meet. There are three types of repayment (Qadha’) of fasting:

  1. Compulsory repayment of fasting (Wajib Qada’)
    It is compulsory to repay fasting in these situations:

    1. Musafir: Those who have travelled approximately 84km and more
    2. Illness: Those who are unable to fast due to their illness and chances of recovery then is slim
    3. Haid or nifas
    4. Pregnant women or breastfeeding who may not be able to fast
    5. Those whose fast was invalidated by one of the conditions that invalidate fast

  1. Wajib Fidyah
    1. Severe illness or not able to fast as recovery is very slim
    2. Old age and those who are weak

  1. Wajib Qada’ and Fidyah
    1. Fast that have not been repaid from previous Ramadhan until the next Ramadhan arrives


How to use the Fidyah Calculator? (Example)

1. Years Not Fasting: 2019 

2. No. of Days: 7

3. Click "Add Row" to include other years, if any

4. Calculator will generate total amount payable


Haid or Others

Year Not Fasting No. of Days Quantity Per Day Fidyah Amount Payable
Current Year Fidyah Per Day Total No. of Days Qadha Total Amount of Fidyah to Pay
2025 1.4

Due to Illness

Year Not Fasting No. of Days Quantity Per Day Fidyah Amount Payable
Current Year Fidyah Per Day Total No. of Days Qadha Total Amount of Fidyah to Pay
2025 1.4

Due to Pregnancy or Feeding

Year Not Fasting No. of Days Quantity Per Day Fidyah Amount Payable
Current Year Fidyah Per Day Total No. of Days Qadha Total Amount of Fidyah to Pay
2025 1.4